Marta Hanrahan

Credentials: Certified Rolfer
Phone: (613) 897-0473
Workplace: 131 Bank Street, Unit 400 Ottawa, Ontario K1P5N7

As an outdoor enthusiast, Marta is no stranger to sports injuries. She became interested in bodywork at a young age as she learned what Massage and bodywork could do for her own sports injuries. Fascinated with recovery and alternative health care, she completed her 2500 hours of Massage Therapy training in Ottawa at Kine-Concept. As she became more interested in the significance of correct posture and its impact on chronic injury recovery, she discovered the Rolf Method of Structural Integration. Marta trained at the Guild for Structural Integration in Boulder, Colorado and has been practicing both therapies in Ottawa ever since. She is also a certified Yoga Tune Up Instructor with Tune Up Fitness. She recently completed her 200-hour yoga teacher training with Pure Yoga. Marta is a registered massage therapist with the College of Massage Therapy of Ontario (CMTO), where she also works part-time as a mentor and tutor.