Jonathan Varghese

Cliniques à Montréal, Québec, et à domicile en région autour du Kamouraska,
I have been a Certified Rolfer™ in the city of Montreal with Voie de la Santé since 2014. Currently, I see clients on a monthly basis in Montreal, Kamouraska and Quebec City. Private retreats are also possible at my clinic in Cacouna, a small village along the Saint Laurent Seaway. Cacouna is 2 hours east from the quiet and accessible airport of Quebec City. The surrounding countryside provides a deeply refreshing and healing environment for a retreat in any season.
My practice uniquely integrates Rolfing, Rolf Movement, somatic movement education, manual osteopathy and a biodynamic approach to osteopathy in the cranial field.
Prior to offering the Rolfing® Structural integration series, I worked as both a Somatic Movement Therapist (ISMETA) with adults in private practice, and as a Somatic Movement Educator (ISMETA) in a pediatric setting using developmental movement principles from the Body-Mind Centering® inspired curriculum through training with Mark Taylor (Pittsburgh, PA).
I was inspired by French Rolfer, Hubert Godard with whom I had the opportunity to study with from 2007-2009, with further mentoring in 2023-2024. Godard made a major contribution to Rolfing by bringing into sessions experiential learning around perception, coordination, and movement awareness. Since 2007, I have continued to immerse myself in this line of inquiry through continuing mentoring and study with Kevin Frank and Caryn McHose in New Hampshire who are respectively, from the Rolfing and Somatic Experiencing world.
Through my Rolfing practice I help people from many different walks of life and especially people having a difficult time finding relief, to experience greater ease and range of movement. I am able to shift gears from dealing with fascia and other muscular-skeletal -considerations to handling more global healing realities. The work is always adapted uniquely to the individual needs of each client.
Clients range from athletes, performers and working people who rely on their body supporting them through various movement goals to pregnant mothers, babies, children, and the elderly.
I currently offer osteopathic, massage, and therapeutic support-complementary medicine through RITMA and also belong to the associations of ISMETA and Ostéopathie Québec.
I began my osteopathic studies informally through mentoring with a French osteopath colleague in 2009. Due to my values, approach, and background working with movement through a healing context with children with neurological and visual impairment in an aquatic and mat setting, I was privileged in 2012 to begin study and mentoring with osteopathic physicians in the United States. I have continued extensive study in the States since then. I completed my formal osteopathic studies at the Collége d’Études Ostéopathiques de Montréal.
My prior background includes study of contemporary dance accompaniment as a musician in Vancouver where I learned to create music to support movement that comes from inside the dancer. I carried this forward in learning to support primary movement impulses in young children who have gone through traumatic episodes in early stages of life. During my University of Toronto studies, I worked summers assisting and leading trips in the field of outdoor experiential and therapeutic adventure (white-water and lake settings). I have learned to work with people since late adolescence through seeing them in their Health and supporting them to find their way instinctively towards their gifts and potential by relating to the natural world. I have also taught both high-school and elementary physical education prior to working specifically with movement as ‘medicine’.
Along with handling standard issues of pains and aches in the body, from head to toe, my approach involves regarding and working with you in your wholeness and helping you build a relationship with your Health. In helping you find relief, we will also explore: finding more ease and range in functional movement and posture, deeper integrated functional reserve, more resilience in the immune system, more calm and settling in your nervous system, and invite a more neutral and transparent physiology that can find easier access and inspiration from the forces of creation that naturally support growth and development.
Typically a series with me would be anywhere from 3-8 sessions are needed to see a shift in symptoms though this number can vary based on how chronic and acute your situation. Usually what is rigid in your body and making you feel pain is coming from a deeper cause which we want to set free so that you can move easily in life again, without having to be preoccupied with your body, or old and unhelpful patterns. For the first session, I recommend taking a 75-90 minute block. Following sessions can be 60 minutes in length though my Montreal sessions tend to often remain 75 minutes.