We are excited to share that we are offering Basic Training here in Canada. Check out our Become A Rolfer page for more information.
New Name!
We are no longer the CRA! On September 17th, 2017 at the SGM the membership voted to change the name from the Canadian Rolfing® Association to the Rolfing® Association of Canada. The french name: Association canadienne de Rolfing® remains the same. The rationale for the name change was to avoid being confused the with Canadian Revenue Agency, as we shared the same acronym: CRA. By changing the name to the Rolfing® Association of Canada, we can use the acronym, RAC, thus avoiding any confusion. The name change has now been made official, so fellow Rolfers™, if you mention the association on your websites, please make sure you update your website with the new name!
Ida P. Rolf (Ph.D.)
« [Transduction] Nous ne sommes pas vraiment droits, nous sommes seulement enroute pour être debout. L’un des emplois d’un Rolfer ™ est d’accélérer ce processus. Là où la gravité renforce et est un ami, une force nourrissante. »
– Ida P. Rolf Ph.D.