Brett Holland
Niveau: Certification de base
Téléphone: (250) 920-8818
Site de web:
Adresse: Island Rolfing 105-2750 Quadra St. Victoria, British Columbia V8T 4E8
Deuxième bureau:
Suite 32, 1400 Cowichan Bay Rd
Cobble Hill, BC
V8W 2J5
Practicing in both Victoria and Cobble Hill, BC Canada. I appreciate the practical and direct, unique, and holistic approach that Rolfing Structural Integration offers to help people resolve pain and correct imbalance in their body. My goal is very simple. I want to see my clients feel more empowered and be able to participate more fully in whatever it is that brings them joy and happiness.
To complement my Rolfing practice, I have trained in scar tissue release, neural mobilization and visceral manipulation. I am a certified Jingui Golden Shield Qi Gong instructor and Sourcepoint Therapy practitioner.