La recherche sur le Rolfing®

La recherche était une priorité pour la fondatrice de l’intégration structurelle par le Rolfing®.


La docteure Ida P. Rolf, a été professeure associée au Rockefeller Institute à New York (maintenant appelé Rockefeller University) après avoir reçu son doctorat en biochimie du College of Physicians and Surgeons de l’Université de Columbia, dans les années 1920.

Pour la docteure Rolf la recherche évaluée par les pairs était très importante.  C’est par des preuves visuelles qu’elle documentait les changements obtenus suite à la série de dix séances d’intégration structurelle par le Rolfing®.  Des photographes captaient soigneusement la posture naturelle des clients avant et après les dix séances.



Les practiciens de Rolfing sont formés pour observer les différences individuelles de l’anatomie tridimensionnelle, une observation éclairée par l’anatomie et la physiologie, de même que par les descriptions détaillées de la structure humaine élaborées par Ida P. Rolf.

De nos jours, les Rolfers™ utilisent des marqueurs cliniques comme indicateurs du succès de leurs traitements.  Ceux-ci incluent l’évaluation visuelle de la démarche, la posture, la flexibilité des articulations, les courbes de la colonne vertébrale, l’alignement des différentes parties du corps, etc., ainsi que l’auto-évaluation du niveau de vitalité au quotidien, des douleurs resenties, de la qualité du sommeil, de la réactivité émotionnelle, des états traumatiques, etc.

On trouvera ci-dessous les articles et les livres écrits par la docteure Ida P. Rolf, ainsi que quelques études et publications sur l’intégration structurelle par le Rolfing®.  Nous recommandons enfin le Fascia Research Congress comme autre source d’articles spécialisés et idées contemporaines à propos de l’utilisation de l’intégration structurelle comme thérapie par le toucher.

Notez que les documents présentés sur cette page sont en anglais. Pour des références en français, svp veuillez consulter les pages du site européen L’Académie Francophone de Rolfing® Intégration Structurale : Ressources littéraires francophones et Ressources littéraires francophones mentionnant le Rolfing


Rolf, I. P., « Structural Integration », dans Journal of the Institute of Comparative Study of History Philosophical Sciences, 1(1):3-19, 1963.

Rolf, I. P., « Structural Integration. A Contribution to the understanding of stress », dans Confinia Psychiatrica, 16(2):69-79, 1973.


Rolfing and Physical Reality by [Rolf Ph.D., Ida P.]


Rolfing and Physical Reality

par Ida P. Rolf Ph.D.



Rolfing: Reestablishing the Natural Alignment and Structural Integration of the Human Body for Vitality and Well-Being

par Ida P. Rolf  Ph.D.



Articles récents évalués par les pairs

 Intégration structurelle

(1) Structural Integration: Origins and Development (2011). Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Sep, 17(9): 775-780.

Auteur:  Jacobson, E.

(2) Structural Integration, an Alternative Method of Manual Therapy and Sensorimotor Education (2011). The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 17(10): 891-899.

Auteur:  Jacobson, E.

(3)  Cell Biology Meets Rolfing (2007). Science Magazine, 318, 1234-1235.

Auteur:  Grimm, D.

(4) Structural Integration – developments in Ida Rolf’s ‘Recipe’ Part 1 (2004). Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 8(2): 131-142.

Auteur:  Myers, T. W.

(5) Structural Integration – developments in Ida Rolf’s ‘Recipe’ Part 2 (2004). Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 8(3): 189-198.

Auteur:  Myers, T. W.

(6) Structural Integration – developments in Ida Rolf’s ‘Recipe’ Part 3 (2004). Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 8(4): 249-264.

Auteur:  Myers, T. W.

Recherche fascia

(1) Fascia Research – A Narrative Review (2012). Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 16(1): 67-75.

Auteurs:  Findley, T., Chaudhry, H., & Roman, M.

(2) A Theoretical Framework for the Role of Fascia in Manual Therapy (2012). Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 16(1): 83-93.

Auteurs:  Simmonds, N., Miller, P., & Gemmell, H.

(3) Passive Muscle Stiffness May be Influenced by Active Contractility of Intramuscular Connective Tissue (2006). Medical Hypotheses, 66(1): 66-71.

Auteurs:  Schleip, R., Naylor, I.L., Ursu, D., Melzer, W., Zorn, A., Wilke, H.J., Lehmann-Horn, F., & Klingler, W.

(4) Active Fascial Contractility: Fascia May Be Able to Contract in a Smooth Muscle-like Manner and thereby Influence Musculoskeletal Dynamics. (2005). Medical Hypotheses, 65(2):273-7.

Auteurs:  Schleip, R., Klingler, W., & Lehmann-Horn, F.

(5) Fascial Plasticity – A New Neurobiological Explanation Part 1 (2003). Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 7(1): 11-19.

Auteur:  Schleip, R.

(6) Fascial Plasticity – A New Neurobiological Explanation Part 2 (2003). Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 7(2): 104-116.

Auteur:  Schleip, R.

La Douleur Chronique

Treatment of Chronic Pain Through the Use of Structural Integration (Rolfing) (2000). Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Clinics of North America, 9(3): 411 – 428.

Auteurs:  Deutsche, J. E., Derr, L. L., Judd, P., & Reuven, B.


Improvement in Balance with Structural Integration (Rolfing): A Controlled Case Series in Persons with Myofascial Pain (2004). Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 85(9):e34.

Auteurs: Findley, T., Quigley, K. Maney, M., Chaudhry, H., & Agbaje, I.

Fibromyalgie et Fatigue Chronique

(1)     Effectiveness of body awareness interventions in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2015). Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 19(1):35-56.

Auteurs:  Courtois, I., Cools, F., & Calsius, J.

(2)      A Pilot Study Measuring Outcomes of Managing Fascial Health for Individuals with Fibromyalgia (2015). IASI Yearbook of Structural Integration, p 54-63.

Auteur:  Segarra, K. B.

(3)  Effects of Structural Integration Rolfing® Method and Acupuncture on Fibromyalgia (2015). Rev Dor. Sao Paulo, 16(2): 96 – 101.

Auteurs:  Stall, P., Hosomi, J.K., Faelli, C.Y.P., Pai, H.J., Teixeira, M.J. & Marchiori, P.E.

(4)  Fibromyalgia Syndrome Treated with the Structural Integration Rolfing® Method (2014). Rev Dor. Sao Paulo, 15(4): 248 – 252.

Auteurs:  Stall, P. & Teixeira, M. J.

Couleur Lombaire Chronique Non Spécifique

Structural Integration as an Adjuct to Outpatient Rehabilitation for Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Randomized Pilot Clinical Trial (2015) Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, p 1-19.

Auteurs:  Jacobson, E. E., Meleger, A. L., Bonato, P., Wayne, P. M., Langevin, H.M., Kaptchuk, T. J., & Davis, R. B.

Image Corporelle et Mal de Dos

Influence of Structural Integration and Fascial Fitness on Body Image and the Perception of Back Pain (2017). Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Vol. 29, No. 6, pg 1010-1013.

Auteurs:  Baur, H., Gatterer, H., Hotter, B., & Kopp, M.

Stress et Traumatisme

The preparatory set: a novel appraoch to understanding stress, trauma, and the bodymind therapies (2015). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9:178.

Auteurs:   Payne, P. & Crane-Godreau, M. A.

Formation de Performance

Editorial (2015). Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, 6(2): 125-129.

 Auteur:  Worth, L.

Intervention de la Colonne Cervicale

Rolfing structural integration treatment of cervical spine dysfunction (2009). Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 13(3): 229-238.

Auteurs:  James, H., Castaneda, L., Miller, M. E., & Findley, T.

Paralysie Cérébrale

(1) Gait Improvement in Children with Cerebral Palsy after Myofascial Structural Integration Therapy (2016). Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 20(1):152.

Auteurs:  Price, K. S., Buysse, C.A., Loi, E. C., Hansen, A. B., Jaramillo, T. M., Pico, E. L., & Feldman, H. M.

(2)     Myofascial Structural Integration Therapy on Gross Motor Function and Gait of Young Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy: A Randomized Controlled Trial (2015). Frontiers in Pediatrics, 3: 74.

Auteurs:  Loi, E. C., Buysse, C. A., Price, K. S., Jaramillo, T. M., Pico, E. L., Hansen, A. B., & Feldman, H. M.

(3)     Gait Changes Following Myofascial Structural Integration (Rolfing) Observed in 2 Children With Cerebral Palsy (2014). Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, 19(4): 297-300.

Auteurs:  Hansen, A. B., Price, K. S., & Loi, E. C.

(4)     Myofascial Structural Integration: A Promising Complementary Therapy for Young Children With Spastic Cerebral Palsy (2011). Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, 17(2): 131-135.

Auteurs:  Hansen, A. B., Price, K. S., & Feldman, H. M.

Conditions Auto-Immunes

Structural Integration-Based Fascial Release Efficacy in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE): Two Case Studies (2011). Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 15(2): 217-25.

Auteur: Ball, T. M.

Attitudes à l’égard de la Médecine Complémentaire et Alternative

A Large-Sample Survey of First- and Second-Year Medical Student Attitudes Toward Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the Curriculum and in Practice (2015). Alternative Therapy Health Medicine, 13(1): 30 – 35.

Autheurs:  Chaterji, R., Tractenberg, R. E., Amri, H., Lumpkin, M., Amorosi, S. B. W., & Haramati, A.


Working with Uncertainty: Structural Integration for a Double Amputee (2015). IASI Yearbook of Structural Integration, p 77 – 81.

Auteur:  Foster-Scott, D.

La Polyarthrite Rhumatoïde

Unwinding the Pattern of Rheumatism (2015). IASI Yearbook of Structural Integration, p 64 – 69.

Auteur:  Randall, A.

Tissu Cicatriciel

Integrating Scar Tissue into the Fascial Web (2015). Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 19(4): 669 – 670.

Autheurs:  Wheeler, S. L., Blessitt, K. L., & Ennis, R. D.

La Sclérose Latérale Amyotrophique

Integrating Manual and Movement Therapy with Philosophical Counseling for Treatment of a Patient with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Case Study that Explores the Principles of Holistic Intervention. (2000) Alternative Therapies In Health and Medicine, 6(2):128, 120-7.

Authors:  Cottingham, J. T. & Maitland, J.



Fascial Release for Structural Balance


By: James Earls & Thomas Myers


The Body Remembers Volume 2: Revolutionizing Trauma TreatmentThe Body Remembers Volume 2: Revolutionizing Trauma Treatment


By: Babette Rothschild


Advanced Myofascial Techniques: Volume 1 by [Luchau, Til]Advanced Myofascial Techniques


By: Til Luchau


Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis


By: Dr. James L. Oschman



Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists


By: Thomas W. Myers


The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of TraumaThe Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma


By: Dr Bessel van der Kolk

Fascia: the Tensional Network of the Human Body: the Science and Clinical Applications in Manual And Movement Therapy, 1EFascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body


By: Dr Robert Schleip and Dr Thomas W. Findley

The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-Regulation


By: Dr Stephen W. Porges


When the Body Says No: Understanding the Stress-Disease Connection


By: Dr Gabor Mate



The New Rules of Posture: How to Sit, Stand, and Move in the Modern World by [Bond, Mary]The New Rules of Posture: How To Sit, Stand, and Move in the Modern World


By: Mary Bond


In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness


By: Peter A. Levine, PhD & Gabor Mate MD



Rolfing Experience: Integration in the Gravity Field


By: Betsy Sise


The Power of Rolfing: What Rolfing Structural Integration Can Do for You by [Marcus, Owen]The Power of Rolfing: What Rolfing Structural Integration Can Do for You


By: Owen Marcus


The Body Remembers: The Psychophysiology of Trauma and Trauma TreatmentThe Body Remembers: The Psychophysiology of Trauma and Trauma Treatment


By: Babette Rothschild

Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma


By: Dr. Peter A. Levine



Balancing Your Body: A Self-Help Approach to Rolfing Movement


By: Mary Bond


Articles historiques du 20ème siècle

(1)   A Structural Approach (1998). Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 2(1):14-20.

Auteur:  Myers, T. W.

(2)   Structural Integration Applied to Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Retrospective Chart Review (1998). Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 27(1): 83.

Auteurs:  Talty, C. M., DeMasi, I., & Deutsch, J. E.

(3)   Three-Paradigm Treatment Model Using Soft Tissue Mobilization and Guided Movement-Awareness Techniques for Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Case Study (1997). The Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 26(3):155-167.

Auteurs:  Cottingham, J. T. & Maitland, J.

(4)   Structural Integration Applied to Patients with a Primary Neurologic Diagnosis: Two Case Studies (1997). Neurology Report, 21(5): 161-162.

Auteurs:  Deutsch, J. E., Judd, P., & DeMasi, I.

(5)   Shifts in Pelvic Inclination Angle and Parasympathetic Tone Produced by Rolfing® Soft Tissue Manipulation (1988). Physical Therapy, 68:1364-1370.

Auteurs:  Cottingham, J. T., Porges, S. W., & Richmond, K.

(6)   Effects of Soft Tissue Mobilization (Rolfing® Pelvic Lift) on Parasympathetic Tone in Two Age Groups (1988). Physical Therapy, 68(3):352-356.

Auteurs:  Cottingham, J. T., Porges, S. W. & Lyon, T.

(7)   Functional Evaluation of Rolfing in Cerebral Palsy (1981). Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 23(44): 717-729.

Auteurs:  Perry, J., Jones, M. H., & Thomas, L.

(8)   Effects of Structural Integration on State-Trait Anxiety (1979). Journal of Clinical Psychology, 35(2):319-322.

Auteurs:  Weinberg, R.S. & Hunt, V.V.

(9)   Electromyographic Evaluation of Structural Integration Techniques (1977). Psychoenergetic Systems, 2: 199 – 210.

Auteurs: Hunt, V. & Massey, W.

(10)   Psychological Effects of Structural Integration (1974). Psychological Reports, 35(2): 856.

Auteur: Pratt, T.C.

(11)   Stress, Stimulus Intensity Control, and the Structural Integration Technique (1973). Confinia Psychiatrica, 16(3): 201 – 219.

Auteurs:  Silverman, J., Rappaport, M., Hopkins, H. K., Ellman, G., Hubbard, R. Belleza, T., Griffing, R., & Kling, R.

(12)   A Study in Structural Dynamics (1962). Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, 62: 30-40.

Auteur:  Solit, M.